September 24, 2010



"In Japan, the most polite way to give your business card to someone else is to use our both hands. This is where the idea came from to design my card."

September 23, 2010



"I have decided to leave London for a while. I used to live in this city when I was very young. Comparing from then, this time was a short stay, but I discovered some new faces of this giant metropolis. Last time I lived here, I was too young to wonder around London alone which was a shame. However, during this stay, I visited many spots and interesting events. Same with the people, I met variety of people whom I could never meet in my country. From black to white, young to aged. Another interesting thing I realised in London is that design is recognised among majority of people here. Even a small child can talk about a logo design of a bookstore, which made me amazed. This stay in London also made me find the importance of my home town, Tokyo. If you are someone who is planning to study or work in another country, you must have your own vision. In my case, studying in another country is a chance to have an experience in a new environment and moreover, to reckon the importance of your own town or country. That is what I strongly felt during this stay. I will come back to London on January. See you soon."

September 07, 2010



"Being a minimalist has always been a difficult thing."

September 02, 2010


毎年この時期に行われる名物行事、NOTTING HILL CARNIVALへ参加しました。映画の舞台として使われた事で有名なこの住宅街も、祭になると姿を変えます。ロンドン中から人々が集まり、サンバ・パレードと共に歌い、踊ります。道中からマリファナの怪しい香りがする中、老若男女が幸せそうにベランダからパレードを見下ろしている姿が印象的でした。さすがの規模だけに、警官の厳重体制もしっかりと整っていました。それにしても、ロンドンの警官は頼もしいです。

"This was the first visit to NOTTING HILL CARNIVAL. Usually, this place is famous for it's quiet and peaceful residential streets. But, as soon as the parade starts, it changes significantly to a bustling town. I smelt some strange smell of marijuana during the festival from all over the place, which was an experience I had never had before. As well as the large amount of visitors from all around London, there were numerous policemen who were in charge of this parade. London policemen, they are so reliable."