May 31, 2010
"You must have an image of London as an elegant and clean place. But actually, it is not like that. When you walk through streets, you can see many rubbish on the ground and homeless selling magazines. Also, the city is full of foreigners. On the other hand, there are beautiful reclaimed cities and nice old architectures as well. This film introduces the actual London in a realistic way."
May 29, 2010
CHEMICAL BROTHERSのライヴチケットがわずか3000円で手に入ったので、早速行ってきました。噂で聞いていた通り、ADAM SMITHの作り出す映像は素晴らしく、演奏を一層引き立てていました。曲と映像、このどちらかが目立ち過ぎても駄目だと思いますが、今回のライヴは綺麗に両者が調和していました。とても楽しかったです。
"Lucky that I got the ticket for CHEMICAL BROTHERS' gig for only £20. Their act was superb. Awesome visuals on the background, made by ADAM SMITH was fantastic too. It made the music much more exciting. The sound and visual harmonized very well."
May 20, 2010
月曜日の夕方から夜に掛けて、サウジアラビアから来た友人とWESTMINSTERと言う場所へ写真を撮りに行きました。BIG BENを始め、LONDON EYEまで周りました。中でも不思議な吊り方をしたEMBANKMENT BRIDGEが見物でした。建物は物凄くディテールが細かく、白黒の世界観がとても似合うと思いました。地震の無い国は古い建築物が沢山あって良いですね。写真もほぼ加工せずに、いい味が出ます。これからも、もっと良いスポットを探して行きたいです。
"This Monday, I went out to take pictures with my new Saudi Arabian friend at WESTMINSTER. We started at BIG BEN and ended at LONDON EYE. I especially got into the bridge called EMBANKMENT BRIDGE. It was interesting how they made to hold the bridge in balance. The place was wonderful to take pictures in monochrome. And the old architectures were brilliant too. They can stand here forever unless this country has an earthquake. Anyway, I will have to keep on searching new spots."
May 16, 2010
TATEで本日まで開催していた展覧会、VAN DOESBURG展を見逃してしまいました。そこで、展覧会へ行った友人が購入したカタログを見ていたら、あるグラフィティアーティストを思い出しました。彼の名前はDELTAと言って、VANに似た手法を用います。二人の作品が隣り合うと、どちらがどっちか判別するのが難しいですね。
"I missed the exhibition of VAN DOESBURG at TATE. However, I had a chance to look at my friend's catalogue of the exhibition. VAN's works reminds me of a graffiti artist called DELTA. His style is so similar to VAN's technique that when their works are next to each other, it is hard to identify the artist."
May 12, 2010
"Nowadays, I'm endeavouring to write with a pen instead of a pencil. The reason is simple. Once you write with a pen, there is no way to rub it off. This means, you have to be careful on what you write. It also makes me concentrate on my words. Then, what I started using is this pen. It only costs 60pence each, and the quality is just fine. BIC is something I recommend."
May 06, 2010
"This is where I live, and this is my accommodation. It is set in a splendid location. If you look down the window from my room, there you can see a small football ground. Unexpectedly, Londoners doesn't seem to play well. I suppose, they prefer to watch football rather than playing."
"Last week, I eventually arrived in London. The weather here, changes every day and every second. This means, if I go out like a Londener in a T-shirt style, I'll suffer with cold at night. Even though it is bright until 9pm, it gets really cold in the afternoon. However, I'm getting used to this weather condition. Right now, I'm studying academic English at UCL, and I'll have to work hard to keep up with my class."
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