October 03, 2010
数日間過ごしたアムステルダムでは、様々な経験をしました。この都市へ訪れた本当の理由は、ある大企業でインターンシップを行うためでした。僕は大企業やブランド・ネームに左右される事に対して、少し抵抗を感じますが、どうしてもこの企業でインターンシップの経験をしたい理由がありました。僕がアプライしていた部署は、ブランド・デザインと言うチームで、店舗のデザインからロゴ・デザイン、更にプロモーションまで幅広く、企業の持つ信念やメッセージを視覚的に表現するチームです。卒業制作でブランディング・デザインを行った僕は、広告のような外部へ委託するデザインよりも、内部で表現するデザインの自由に魅力を感じていました。そこで、日本で大変お世話になっている師匠にこのチームのディレクターを紹介して頂き、話が実現しました。しかし、状況は急に変化し、ビザの問題が理由で実際にインターンシップを経験する事は出来ませんでした。その代わり、この企業を訪れチームのメンバーとディレクターの方にお会いし、お話する機会がありました。何かがきっかけで、自分の気持ちやモチベーションが急に変化すると言いますが、まさにその瞬間を味わいました。ブランド・ネームに左右される事に対し、抵抗を感じると言いましたが、数少ない企業のみが持つ魅力的な環境もあると思います。以前から、この企業の表現する圧倒的なパフォーマンス力を知っていましたが、それを生み出す環境を経験し、心から納得しました。アムステルダムでは、悔いの無い滞在が出来ました。上の写真は最終日に訪れたZAANSE SCHANSと言う魅力的なスポットです。
October 02, 2010
アムステルダムへ来ています。本日は、オランダで一番古い動物園に行こうと計画していたのですが、大雨が降って来たので急遽、隣にあるDE HORTUSと言う植物園へ目的地を変更しました。グリーン・ハウスの中は生暖かく、湿った土の匂いが懐かしさを感じさせました。そこで、ふと思い出したのですが僕は昔、庭師に憧れていました。近所で、背の高い松の木を世話する彼等の勇ましい姿がとても格好良かった記憶があります。
"Right now, I am staying in Amsterdam. Today, I was planning to visit the oldest zoo in Holland but unfortunately, it was raining hard so I changed my mind to visit a botanical garden called DE HORTUS. Visiting this place reminded me my old dream to become a gardener."
September 24, 2010
"In Japan, the most polite way to give your business card to someone else is to use our both hands. This is where the idea came from to design my card."
September 23, 2010
"I have decided to leave London for a while. I used to live in this city when I was very young. Comparing from then, this time was a short stay, but I discovered some new faces of this giant metropolis. Last time I lived here, I was too young to wonder around London alone which was a shame. However, during this stay, I visited many spots and interesting events. Same with the people, I met variety of people whom I could never meet in my country. From black to white, young to aged. Another interesting thing I realised in London is that design is recognised among majority of people here. Even a small child can talk about a logo design of a bookstore, which made me amazed. This stay in London also made me find the importance of my home town, Tokyo. If you are someone who is planning to study or work in another country, you must have your own vision. In my case, studying in another country is a chance to have an experience in a new environment and moreover, to reckon the importance of your own town or country. That is what I strongly felt during this stay. I will come back to London on January. See you soon."
September 07, 2010
September 02, 2010
毎年この時期に行われる名物行事、NOTTING HILL CARNIVALへ参加しました。映画の舞台として使われた事で有名なこの住宅街も、祭になると姿を変えます。ロンドン中から人々が集まり、サンバ・パレードと共に歌い、踊ります。道中からマリファナの怪しい香りがする中、老若男女が幸せそうにベランダからパレードを見下ろしている姿が印象的でした。さすがの規模だけに、警官の厳重体制もしっかりと整っていました。それにしても、ロンドンの警官は頼もしいです。
"This was the first visit to NOTTING HILL CARNIVAL. Usually, this place is famous for it's quiet and peaceful residential streets. But, as soon as the parade starts, it changes significantly to a bustling town. I smelt some strange smell of marijuana during the festival from all over the place, which was an experience I had never had before. As well as the large amount of visitors from all around London, there were numerous policemen who were in charge of this parade. London policemen, they are so reliable."
August 22, 2010
"We had a short visit to BAKEWELL which is a small market town in Derbyshire. Most of the houses, shops and pubs were made of rocks and bricks, which made me feel as if I were inside a Harry Potter film. Thank you Elaine, Steve and Lisa for everything."
August 03, 2010
"There is one thing I always do when I visit a new place. To go to a local supermarket. A supermarket is somewhere you can have the same experience with local people in foreign countries. Here in London, each supermarket sells different things in different ways. While visiting London, I strongly recommend to visit variety of supermarkets. Believe me, it won't be a waste of time."
July 31, 2010
靴ひもを変えるだけで、アフリカのAIDS感染者を救えると知っていましたか。NIKEとAIDS患者を支援するため組織、(RED)がコラボレーションを行い、真っ赤のシューレースを発売しました。この企画のプロモーションで、世界五つの都市にてマラソン、自転車、スケートボードによるリレーが行われました。PAUL RODRIGUEZやRIP ZINGERそしてSUPREME TEAM等、ストリート・カルチャーを代表する人々を上手く利用し、チャリティーを我々と身近にしたこの企画は素晴らしいと思います。しかも、利益の全てが募金に使われるそうで、素敵ですね。
"A pair of shoelaces can help fight AIDS in Africa. NIKE and a charitable organization named (RED) collaborated to create a special line of bright red shoelaces. As a promotion for this product, they organized a relay in five significant cities by athletes with red shoelaces tied up. NIKE contributed 100% of the profits from this product to the global fund. What a nice story this is."
July 18, 2010
テムズ川沿いにあるHAYWARD GALLERYへ遊びに行ってきました。ロンドンの芸術大学で、これから彫刻を専攻する友人がレコメンドしていた、ERNESTO NETOと言うブラジル人作家の展覧会が行われていました。彼の作品は、木製の骨組みにカラフルなネットを被せて、不思議な空間を作り出すインスタレーション作品です。その他にも、若手作家の作品が展示されていましたが、それぞれの作品がとてもパワフルで主張を持っていました。僕がこの展覧会で一番関心したのは作品自体ではなく、これらを一つの空間に収めるキュレーターの実力です。力強い作品同士が、とても良いバランスを保って飾られていました。本当に展示用法が魅力的です。HAYWARD GALLERYの周辺はとても雰囲気が素敵で、帰りは少しテムズ川沿いを散歩してから帰りました。
"Yesterday, we visited the HAYWARD GALLERY. The exhibition was by ERNESTO NETO who is a Brazilian contemporary visual artist. One of my friend strongly recommended ERNESTO's works. His installations are large, soft, biomorphic sculptures that fill an exhibition space that viewers can touch, poke, and even sometimes walk on or through. In this gallery, there were many other works by superior young artists. What I felt most interesting about this exhibition was not someone's particular work. I was most fascinated in how the curator put variety of works in one room. Each work were in different shape, colour, and texture but the gallery showed their works so well. They really know how to make them look better. After visiting the gallery, we had a short walk around the river, then went for a dinner."
June 22, 2010
"I have just created the visual identity for a brand called JPEG by Tamada brothers. This brand was launched by J-PEE, who is a messenger in Tokyo. It creates items and accessories for people who are particular about riding on bicycles. Their craftwork is extremely significant, and I am proud of visualising their identity. I decided to use a needle and a thread for the motif of logo mark. The symbolic dotted lines expresses stitch marks for an accent."
June 12, 2010
"As shown on photo, I visited Greenwich. The red line is Greenwich's meridian. This is the actual line you often see on the world map, which is situated in the middle of London. You'll be able to check the accurate time here. It is fascinating that GMT is situated right from this place. By the way, I've changed several minutes of the universal time, so watch out."
June 06, 2010
"These photos are taken every hour on a weekday, starting from 08:00 in the morning. This is to find out my route of movement of an ordinary day. I took these pictures every single hour, when the minute hand reaches at 12. To put the pictures in format, I decided to place my foot in the middle of the picture. This time, wearing NIKE KICKS. If you just look at a single photo, you can hardly get any information from it. But, when it's placed in order, it is possible to find out what I have done on this day. Interesting, isn't it."
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